Loving God and Loving Others

St. Mary LPi Demo

Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Church, a demo of LPi's WeConnect website.


Mass Schedule
5:30 pm

Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:30 am and 3:00 pm

9:00 am

Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm

View all events

Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
The parish office is closed on Holy Days.


Pastor's Corner
Breaking the Stewardship Mold

Have you noticed how we always tend to pigeonhole one another — and ourselves? “I could never serve on the Parish Council. That’s for John and Ellen and that whole group of people who have done it for years.” “Greg takes care of faith formation in the parish — he always has. He doesn’t need my help.” “I can’t afford to give the big bucks like those families who sit up front can. My offering wouldn’t matter even if I did increase it.”

Thinking like this is a good indication that we aren’t in conversation with God about what His will is for our lives. Continue Reading...

Mobile App
Please download the Parish App to receive communications, prayers, and updates from St. Mary. 


Welcome Back Night

Here is where you'll put all of the content!

Welcome Back Night

With the restrictions lifting, we'd love to welcome you back to the church. Please ... Read More »

Parish Reopening Plan

Information goes here. 


We create a community where people of all backgrounds feel the loving embrace of Christ. We learn to share, invite-in, commune and interact with other believers.

The identity of a disciple springs from Jesus Christ, through faith and Baptism, and grows in the Church, the community where all its members acquire equal dignity and participate in various ministries and charisms.

Stewardship, quite simply, is recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.